How to Live My Best Day (according to my children)

During this time of quarantine and shelter-in-place and not leaving the house, the children and I have been spending a lot of time together. I enjoy having them around, and we’re getting to know each other pretty well. Sometimes they surprise me with how well they know me.

“What would my best day look like?” I asked my children recently. “What would make Mommy have a good day?”

They’ve come up with a great list for me.

  1. French toast for breakfast (possibly in bed)

    French toast is an amazing breakfast, right? Not according to the rest of my family. I don’t make this tasty treat at home because I would be the only one to eat it. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but it is nice to enjoy the things I love in moderation. As for the “in bed” part, I guess everything is nicer when you don’t have to get out of bed in the morning. So says the children.

  2. Meet up with friends for coffee

    This was a thoughtful suggestion from my middle child. Meeting up with friends does something for the soul. Conversations with sweet friends whom I know and trust lift my spirits and put me in a great mood. Place us in a coffee shop and the conversations flow about life and love and hopes and dreams and what’s for dinner and did you hear what my child did yesterday and you look fantastic and you should totally order another cup and let’s stay here forever.

  3. Read lots of books

    Hi, my name is Beth and I like to read. A lot. Although it’s tricky to find time to read when there are constant interruptions, I do try. I’ll sneak outside on the back patio until someone notices I am no longer inside and will join me (and by join me I mean climb on top of me so I can no longer hold my book or see the pages). Then, the book is set aside for more important things until I find time to pick it up again.

  4. Have a clean house

    In the words of my daughter, “A house that stays clean so you don’t have to clean it.” Yes and Amen. A great day this would make indeed. Where do I find one of these?

  5. Nap without interruptions

    The sleep-deprived moms toast their coffee cups to this suggestion. I love how my child added on “without interruptions.” It’s one thing to nap as a mom- these are the pseudo naps where one ear is on the children hoping nobody needs you, but it’s another thing entirely to fall into a deep, relaxed slumber free from responsibility and interruptions.

  6. Alone time for doing good work

    I asked for clarification on this one. “Good work,” according to my daughter, means something I am proud of, like an art piece or piece of writing. It is nice to have space to concentrate, to really focus on producing something beautiful. Right now writing and working and producing happens in the margins, and I am far from alone, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less beautiful.

  7. Chocolate

    I have a teeny, tiny sweet tooth. Okay, maybe it’s not so teeny or tiny, but it’s definitely sweet. Chocolate does make the day a good one. I have plenty of chocolate stashes in the kitchen, and a quick chocolate fix gives me a little energy boost throughout the day. Chocolate definitely belongs on this list.

  8. Dinner I don’t have to cook

    It is true I make dinner most nights and it can be a bit tedious. I like to meal plan to make my life easier, but sometimes I am tired and would like to have my own personal chef. Dinner I don’t have to cook would be a great way to end the day.

I have to admit, my children did a great job planning out a semi-realistic great day. What would your best day look like?


This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in this series "Make A List".


Paying Attention


Ice Cream Summers