Thoughts in Her Head

My daughter walks home alone from school now. She takes the same path we’ve traced year after year, beginning in kindergarten when her backpack touched the backs of her knees, her baby brother was strapped to my chest, and her little sister was in the stroller. Last year in third grade, I stood at the corner and watched to make sure she safely crossed the street and followed the instructions of the crossing guard. Now, in fourth grade, she meanders quietly home, processing her thoughts after school without the constant chatter from a sibling or probing questions from me.

During the early years of school, I would pester her when I picked her up at her teacher’s door. What did she do? Who did she play with? But she would refuse to answer my questions, despite trying the alternative, “What was your favorite part of today?” or “What games did you play with your friends today?” I was constantly met with, “I don’t want to talk about it!” 

-You can read the rest of the story over at Kindred Mom


The Things I Didn’t Do


The Trampoline for Quarantine